[ Production and construction ]
Highest construction quality from BLOXS Manufaktur
Trust is good, control is better! For this reason, we made a conscious decision to set up our own BLOXS manufactory. This is the only way we can guarantee the highest quality and the best use of materials.
Our BLOXS factory was newly built in early summer 2022 and is located in the hinterland of Bratislava (Slovakia), not far from the Austrian capital Vienna. From here, our modular houses will be transported to their proud owners in an almost finished state by means of high-capacity transportation.
Maximum efficiency and maximum indoor climate
All building materials and furnishings in BLOXS are selected so that as an ensemble they contribute to maximum efficiency and the best possible indoor climate.
BLOXS are a place to feel good.
Solid wood construction (BSP)
Wood fiber insulation
Thermal bridge optimization
Triple glazing
Excellent construction thanks to solid wood panels (BSP)
In recent years, various types of timber construction have become established in house building. In the modular house sector in particular, these include steel frame, timber frame and solid wood panel (CLT) construction. Construction with solid wood panels is one of the highest quality, most durable and longest-lasting construction methods. Here, the load-bearing framework is not based on a wooden stud frame, but on full-surface cross-laminated timber panels, which consist of at least three layers of cross-laminated timber (CLT). The cross-lamination gives the timber panels a strength that exceeds that of solid structural timber (KVH).
Excellent indoor climate
CLT solid wood panels have a number of advantages. On the one hand, these panels are dried and do not carry any moisture into the building. Nevertheless, they have a high specific heat and moisture storage capacity. A pronounced phase shift also provides thermal insulation in summer. All in all, these advantages result in an excellent indoor climate. It should also be mentioned that production and processing are very low-energy, which means that the sustainability effects are immense.
As this advantageous construction method is not only one of the highest quality, but also the most cost-intensive, only a few manufacturers use it.
For our BLOXS modules we use 100 mm thick solid BSP boards.
Minimize thermal bridges - increase efficiency
A modern building is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties, which result in a particularly low U-value. A major contribution to this is made by timber web beams, which reduce the thermal bridges in the walls to a minimum, but are not inferior to solid structural timber (KVH) in terms of strength. For this reason, we use high-quality STEICOwall beams in the exterior walls and STEICOjoist beams in the roof.
Another advantage of web beams:
despite having the same strength, they are up to 30 percent lighter than solid timber. This is an immense and sustainable advantage, especially in modular construction with regard to transportation and crane outlay to reach the site.
BLOXS wall construction
Innovative for excellent efficiency and durability
Thanks to our construction method with solid wood panels (CLT), our wall structure is also an extravagance. A combination of innovative and sustainable materials not only achieves excellent thermal insulation values, but above all extremely high strength and durability. Wall construction using the example of BLOXS LIVING 50:
U-value: 0.18 W/(m²K)
Wall thickness: approx. 36 cm
(A) 12.5mm gypsum fiberboard
(B) 100mm solid wood panel BSP
(C) moisture-variable vapor barrier
(D) STEICOwall web girder
(E) 160mm STEICOzell wood fiber blown-in insulation
(F) 40mm STEICOprotect wood fiber insulation boards
(G) Underlayment
(H) ACP façade with rear ventilation
BLOXS roof structure
A flat roof with outstanding values
The greatest heat loss occurs via roof surfaces. This area must therefore be particularly well insulated. Our roof structure not only impresses with its outstanding insulation values, but also with the installation of innovative products such as STEICOjoist web beams to reduce thermal bridges or a bitumen roofing membrane that can filter nitrogen oxides from the ambient air. Our flat roof meets the requirements for hard roofing and therefore does not require a green roof or overlay (e.g. gravel).
U-value: 0.11 W/(m²K)
Roof thickness: approx. 49-58 cm
(A) Hasse Kubidritt Classic ReduX
(B) Hasse Kubiflex SSB
(C) Hasse Kubivent SN-H
(D) 80mm STEICOroof dry wood fiber insulation boards
(E) Vapor barrier
(F) 22mm OSB
(G) 240mm - 320mm STEICOzell wood fiber blown-in insulation*
(H) STEICOjoist web beams
( I ) moisture-variable vapor barrier
( J) 15mm OSB
(K) Installation level
(L) 12.5mm gypsum fiberboard
BLOXS floor structure
Ideal protection against cold from below
If you place your BLOXS on a point/strip foundation or steelroots, for example, cold air will flow under the building. This is why our floor structure also has a strong construction with impressive insulation values. The infrared heating (IR) installed in the floor in the form of carbon heating mats makes a major contribution to the feel-good climate.
U-value: 0.19 W/(m²K)
Floor thickness: approx. 29 cm
(A) WINEO Pureline organic flooring 1200 XXL with impact sound insulation
(B) Aqua Stop PE foil
(C) Infrared carbon heating mat
(D) Heating film carpet pad
(E) 22mm OSB board
(F) moisture-variable vapor barrier
(G) Solid structural timber (KVH)
(H) 240mm STEICOflex wood fiber insulation
(I) 15mm fiber cement board
Premium class windows
Aluminum windows with triple glazing
Another highlight of our BLOXS models are the aluminum windows and doors. We use high-quality windows and doors from ALUPROF, one of Europe's leading manufacturers. Almost all doors, windows and glazing on the BLOXS are also equipped with an RC2 locking mechanism and therefore offer a high level of burglary protection.
All windows and doors have excellent U-values and therefore make a major contribution to the energy efficiency of a BLOXS.
Quality of living through indoor climate
Optional: Central living room ventilation system
A central living room ventilation system is an absolute premium comfort feature. This system supplies the rooms in your BLOXS with fresh air in exchange for exhaust air. To ensure that as little energy as possible is lost during this air exchange, up to 94 percent of heat is recovered via the heat exchanger. The enthalpy exchanger is an absolute highlight. This can extract up to 45 percent moisture from the exhaust air and return it to the fresh air. Unhealthily dry indoor air, especially in the winter months, is therefore a thing of the past.
The living room ventilation system is also equipped with a CO2 and humidity sensor in the exhaust air. If the system detects, for example, that you are taking a shower or that your friends are visiting and the CO2 content in the air is therefore rising, the air flows are automatically adjusted for the best possible indoor climate.